Call Now - 24 - Power Driver (Part 2) - "Sh*t won’t sink”

Dan, Dave and Mark are doing their job and hopping back in to be your Screw Guides with Mick'n'Dick and finding out what's in the box (SPOILER: it's a Power Driver). The boys take their best run at keeping up with the Mick's pace on this star-studded episode that includes visits from Jon Gruden, Outkast, Ron Popeil, Rush, Marty Scorsese and more! As a special bonus, make sure you listen all the way to the end to hear Dave's big joke!

No matter when you’re reading this, we know that 1994 was long time ago and it might help to reference the source material to make sure you properly appreciate everything you hear.


Call Now - 25 - Call Now at the Movies! - 25th Episode Extravaganza! (feat. Pitch People)


Call Now - 23 - Power Driver (Part 1) - "Classic Natick”