Call Now - 11 - Arnold’s Gourmet Kitchen : The Great Wok of China “Precut Gems”

Dan, Dave and Mark tempt fate and get hand-hammered as they tiptoe on the third rail of the Great Wok of China! The boys go to cooking school with well-seasoned pitchmen Wally Nash and Arnold "The Knife" Morris. Today's lesson includes: the basics of wok cooking, a utensil deep-dive (C-H-A-N) and an explanation on appreciating the value of a few good dents. And just to be safe, they check in to make sure Clark is ok.

Quick history lesson on the Cold War if you’re interested.


Call Now - 12 - Amazing Discoveries: Power Steamer - "Professional Crease"


Call Now - 10 - HomeRight PaintStick- “I Heard You Paint Houses”